Questions to Question:
What is the unsound mind?
Any disease in mind; the psychological state of someone who has been emotional or behavioral who has been emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention.
Why do they occur?
Although the exact cause of most mental illnesses is not known, it is becoming clear through research that many of these conditions are caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.
- The causes of most mental illnesses like autism,schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive
disorder are still unknown, so primary prevention is not possible.
How many are there in the world?
Defined by DSM ( Diagnostic & Statistical manual of mental disorder ) + ICD ( International Statistical Classification of Disease ) - Includes 400 different mental disorders
Is there a cure?
you don't cure per-se:
What is the current amount of people who are unsound in singapore in particular?
According to a report by The Straits Times (2009), about one in six Singaporeans suffers from some form of mental illness. Mental health experts in Singapore have also observed a 10% increase in the number of patients in their twenties coming forward to seek treatment over the past two years (Ng, 2011)
Ng, G. (2011, January 11). Rise in young seeking help for mental illness. MyPaper. Retrieved from pp=1&fcpil=en&napc=S&sa_from=
What is the common mental Illness in singapore?
- most serious forms of mental illness, schizophrenia, where symptoms include hallucinations and delusions and is most likely to start between the ages of 15 and 29.
- In Singapore, about 3% of people are estimated to be afflicted by schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders
( Chang, A. (2011, March 2). The ST interview; treating mental illness: too little, too late. The Straits Times. Retrieved from
=1&fcpil=en&napc=S&sa_from= )
16% of all suicides in Singapore over the period of 1969 to 1972 had a past history of being admitted to a mental hospital in Singapore. The mental illness that accounts for the highest suicide rate is schizophrenia (Tsoi & Chia, 1974).
How are the people who suffers this are being faced to the public?
How does the public feel about them?
How does the public feel about them?
Is there a stigma?
In a survey done by the Singapore Medical Association, most mental illness patients saw stigma coming from television programmes, newspaper reports and jokes on radio. Most patients also felt that there was a lack of information within mass media and that there is a need for increased public awareness of mental illness issues (Lai, Hong, & Chee, 2000).
Lai, Y. Y., Hong, C. P., & Chee, C. Y. (2000). Stigma of mental illness. Singapore Medical Journal, 42(3), 111-114
How is this being handled by the government? Public Sector?
- However, mental health issues are slowly becoming more important as in 2007, Singapore shifted the focus of the annual National Healthy Lifestyle Campaign to mental health for the first time in 15 years
- silver Ribbon
- CCA in School - Society of Social Work Students - NUS - mental illness
- This three-year S$6.9-million programme is funded by the Singapore Millennium Foundation and the Ministry of Health (MOH), Singapore.
Singapore Mental Health Study (SMHS)
Is there a way to educate/illustrate the sound to the unsound to prevent the rise of stigma?
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